

Gooreo – A Decentralized Career Platform!

In our review today, we will talk about finding jobs and job seekers, and how blockchain can help us here. Yes, this is all about the labor market and current problems, with an emphasis on Arab countries, because this is where our project came from.
Gooreo is a decentralized Ethereum based platform that is based on blockchain technology and allows you to combine job seekers with those who are looking for work. He is transparent and honest than before. Why? Let’s try to find out
GoOreo is a unique platform developed to help newly graduated students find jobs that suit their specialties easily and also give business owners the opportunity to make talented students or young graduates work temporarily or permanently in their Organizations.
GoOreo is building a platform to simplify the job search process for graduates and new graduates, thereby significantly improving their livelihoods. Corporate organizations also benefit greatly from our platform because there is a minimization or elimination of high-cost recruitment services to get the right talent needed for their specific roles so as to maximize long-term profits.

Benefits of GOOREO

College student
Students will ensure that they have jobs in their specialties easily and get certified certificates from the site and complete them after work to prove their experience
With the Gooreo platform, business owners can easily earn lots of money from various fields
With GOOREO’s help, the community will benefit from young people and innovation and save a lot of money in building opportunities for those who have just graduated.

How does it work?

  • Each student registers and writes his professional resume.
  • The company will publish job applications and write the competencies needed and determine whether the job is local or online.
  • The letters will go directly to all students studying in the same field (and in the same country).
  • Applicants are accepted through the same site and applicants can be accepted on social networking platforms in particular (LinkedIn).
  • After completing the tenure given to students, get a certificate that is certified by the company and give a degree (good, average, very good).

Our Vision and Mission

  • Vision: Our vision is to end with all other competing applications.
  • Mission: Our aim is to enable newly graduated students to find skills that suit the skills needed.

Gooreo value-added application

  • Opportunities to participate in a system where students can make evidence in the future and validate all their competencies
  • Systems that target applications based on specialization and location preference (long distance or in place)
  • A trusted company by giving a bachelor’s degree (good, moderate, extraordinary) after completing work.
  • Gooreo is a universal service list platform for customers in one application and uses geolocation technology to connect people.
  • Easy and fast accessibility for graduates who are looking for jobs and organizations throughout the world
  • Secure transactions through the Blockchain and an efficient recruitment process.
  • The Gooreo application has been developed and is ready for use. The latest version of new technologies and features


Coin name: Coin
OREO code from OREO ERC20
Total offer 1,000,000,000
decimal numbers 18
Address contract 0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399399e778


45% of product development product development is in
accordance with the roadmap.

Marketing & Partnership Fees to attract entrepreneurs to make partnerships with universities.

12% operating costs
, salaries for non-technical personnel.

basic legal entities, contracts with business owners, development of legal contracts for service use and many other legal works.

of C level executive salary.


Project Ideas and Beginnings June 2018.
November – December 2018
Pre-ICO and ICO
February 2019
Development of core platforms and testing of alpha and beta versions.
July – September 2019 Register
as many coins as possible when exchanging.
September 2018 issues
smart contracts and white paper.
January – February 2019 Register
coins until May 3,
2019 Exchange
Release Platform

Gooreo’s added value as an application

The ability to work in a decentralized system where student CVs can be proof of the future and validate all their competencies can create
system goals for applications based on
location certification specializations and preferences (long distance or in place) without the trust of the website and the company students give ( good, average, very good) after completing work.
Gooreo is a universal service list platform for customers in an application and uses geolocation technology to connect people.
Easy and fast accessibility for graduates who are looking for jobs and organizations throughout the world.
Secure transactions through the blockchain and an efficient recruitment process.
The Gooreo application has been developed and is ready for use. The current version of the application will be enhanced by community feedback and will continue to keep abreast of new technologies and features


Further information:







Author : ranran pratama

Profile link :;u=2044562

Eth : 0x23D05112B5EAB85099649b7d9de9b131b47AC423

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